These are fittings used in direction changes in pre-insulated pipelines in accordance with the standard TS EN 448. In addition to the standard angles, pre-insulated elbows can be manufactured for requested intermediate dimensions. For steel-based elbows, elbows can be produced by welding pipes to patent fittings or by cold and hot forming. In addition, it can be manufactured in combination with a fixed support. Pre-insulated fitting manufacturing is available and suitable for all product types such as plastic, etc., and the production standards and norms may vary according to the type of the carrier pipe.

Pre-insulated Elbows - 90°
Nominal Diameter of the Carrier Pipe Outer Diameter of the Carrier Pipe
(d) (mm) *
HDPE Casing Pipe (D)
Seria 1 Wall Thickness (mm) Seria 2 Wall Thickness (mm) Seria 3 Wall Thickness (mm)
15 21,3 75 3 90 3 110 3 500x500
20 26,9 90 3 110 3 125 3 500x500
25 33,7 90 3 110 3 125 3 500x500
32 42,4 110 3 125 3 140 3 500x500
40 48,3 110 3 125 3 140 3 500x500
50 60,3 125 3 140 3 160 3 500x500
65 76,1 140 3 160 3 180 3 500x500
80 88,9 160 3 180 3 200 3,2 500x500
100 114,3 200 3,2 225 3,4 250 3,6 500x500
125 139,7 225 3,4 250 3,6 280 3,9 500x500
150 168,3 250 3,6 280 3,9 315 4,1 500x500
200 219,1 315 4,1 355 4,5 400 4,8 500x500
250 273 400 4,8 450 5,2 500 5,6 500x500
300 323,9 450 5,2 500 5,6 560 6 500x500
350 355,6 500 5,6 560 6 630 6,6 500x500
400 406,4 560 6 630 6,6 710 7,2 500x500
450 457 630 6,6 710 7,2 800 7,9 500x500
500 508 710 7,2 800 7,9 900 8,7 500x500
600 610 800 7,9 900 8,7 1000 9,4 500x500
700 711 900 8,7 1000 9,4 1100 10,2 500x500
800 812,8 1000 9,4 1100 10,2 1200 11 500x500
900 914 1100 10,2 1200 11 1400 12,5 500x500
1000 1016 1200 11 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 500x500
1200 1219 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 500x500
  • The outer diameter of the carrier pipe may vary according to the type of the pipe used. It is prepared by taking steel pipe as basis.
  • Different from Serial 1, Serial 2 and Serial 3, casing pipes with different diameters can be used upon the request received.
  • L (arm length) lengths are the maximum standard production values, and they may change according to the production situation of the period or request.
  • Disc diameter may vary according to different requests.
  • Yalçın Boru reserves the right to make changes on this and all other data in the brochures, written documentation and on its website. You may contact our company for getting up-to-date information.
Pre-insulated Elbows - 45°
Nominal Diameter of the Carrier Pipe Outer Diameter of the Carrier Pipe
(d) (mm) *
HDPE Casing Pipe (D)
Seria 1 Wall Thickness (mm) Seria 2 Wall Thickness (mm) Seria 3 Wall Thickness (mm)
15 21,3 75 3 90 3 110 3 500x500
20 26,9 90 3 110 3 125 3 500x500
25 33,7 90 3 110 3 125 3 500x500
32 42,4 110 3 125 3 140 3 500x500
40 48,3 110 3 125 3 140 3 500x500
50 60,3 125 3 140 3 160 3 500x500
65 76,1 140 3 160 3 180 3 500x500
80 88,9 160 3 180 3 200 3,2 500x500
100 114,3 200 3,2 225 3,4 250 3,6 500x500
125 139,7 225 3,4 250 3,6 280 3,9 500x500
150 168,3 250 3,6 280 3,9 315 4,1 500x500
200 219,1 315 4,1 355 4,5 400 4,8 500x500
250 273 400 4,8 450 5,2 500 5,6 500x500
300 323,9 450 5,2 500 5,6 560 6 500x500
350 355,6 500 5,6 560 6 630 6,6 500x500
400 406,4 560 6 630 6,6 710 7,2 500x500
450 457 630 6,6 710 7,2 800 7,9 500x500
500 508 710 7,2 800 7,9 900 8,7 500x500
600 610 800 7,9 900 8,7 1000 9,4 500x500
700 711 900 8,7 1000 9,4 1100 10,2 500x500
800 812,8 1000 9,4 1100 10,2 1200 11 500x500
900 914 1100 10,2 1200 11 1400 12,5 500x500
1000 1016 1200 11 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 500x500
1200 1219 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 500x500
  • The outer diameter of the carrier pipe may vary according to the type of the pipe used. It is prepared by taking steel pipe as basis.
  • Different from Serial 1, Serial 2 and Serial 3, casing pipes with different diameters can be used upon the request received.
  • L (arm length) lengths are the maximum standard production values, and they may change according to the production situation of the period or request.
  • Disc diameter may vary according to different requests.
  • Yalçın Boru reserves the right to make changes on this and all other data in the brochures, written documentation and on its website. You may contact our company for getting up-to-date information.
Fixed Elbow
Diameter of Carrier Pipe
(d) (mm)*
HDPE Casing Pipe (D)
Diameter of Disc
Serial 1 Wall Thickness (mm) Serial 2 Wall Thickness (mm) Serial 3 Wall Thickness (mm)
15 75 3 90 3 110 3 1000x1000 215
20 90 3 110 3 125 3 1000x1000 215
25 90 3 110 3 125 3 1000x1000 215
32 110 3 125 3 140 3 1000x1000 215
40 110 3 125 3 140 3 1000x1000 215
50 125 3 140 3 160 3 1000x1000 215
65 140 3 160 3 180 3 1000x1000 240
80 160 3 180 3 200 3,2 1000x1000 260
100 200 3,2 225 3,4 250 3,6 1000x1000 300
125 225 3,4 250 3,6 280 3,9 1000x1000 300
150 250 3,6 280 3,9 315 4,1 1000x1000 350
200 315 4,1 355 4,5 400 4,8 1000x1000 415
250 400 4,8 450 5,2 500 5,6 1200x1200 500
300 450 5,2 500 5,6 560 6 1200x1200 550
350 500 5,6 560 6 630 6,6 1200x1200 600
400 560 6 630 6,6 710 7,2 1200x1200 660
450 630 6,6 710 7,2 800 7,9 1200x1200 730
500 710 7,2 800 7,9 900 8,7 1200x1200 810
600 800 7,9 900 8,7 1000 9,4 1500x1500 900
700 900 8,7 1000 9,4 1100 10,2 1500x1500 100
800 1000 9,4 1100 10,2 1200 11 1500x1500 1100
900 1100 10,2 1200 11 1400 12,5 1500x1500 1300
1000 1200 11 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 1500x1500 1300
1200 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 1400 12,5 1500x1500 1500
  • The outer diameter of the carrier pipe may vary according to the type of the pipe used. It is prepared by taking steel pipe as basis.
  • Different from Serial 1, Serial 2 and Serial 3, casing pipes with different diameters can be used upon the request received.
  • L (arm length) lengths are the maximum standard production values, and they may change according to the production situation of the period.
  • Disc diameter may vary according to different requests.
  • Yalçın Boru reserves the right to make changes on this and all other data in the brochures, written documentation and on its website. You may contact our company for getting up-to-date information.
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